The Huron Valley Film Organization (HVFO), is a nonprofit working to keep our area cinema alive. We rely on donations from individuals and business to keep the cinema running. Through these donations we, in turn, help support other area organizations and schools.
Community Partners:
Startup Donor Recognition
The Huron Valley Film Organization launched our fundraiser in September of 2020 with the goal of raising $150,000 to cover our construction and startup costs, as well as provide funds for our first year of operations. With the help of our generous community members, families, and businesses, we were able to meet this fundraising goal and celebrated our grand opening on May 12, 2021.
Cinematographer Level Donors
Chelsea Bathurst, the Stempien Family, Duane Karr, Donna Pesci, Daniel Denton, Thomas Smith, Gregory Brainer, John Kozicki, John's Cement, Tamara Zoner - A Life You Love Now, LLC., Chris Elliott, Ann Barnette, Ronald Fowkes, Dennis and Hazel Dust, Connor McNeely, Nancy Czech, Jenna Szpara, Monique Knowles, Red Dog Saloon, Sherri Masson, Mark Schuster, Judith L. Waara, Denise Bondy, Karol LaHaie, Tamara Mastro, David Elliott, Michelle Sauls, Ryan Gillen, The Garris Family, Maid 'N Family, The Schils Family, Russel Douglass, Christine Hoppe, Carol Margiotta, James Shoemaker, Ernie and Linda Maki, Susan Rankert, Diane Hendra, Beth Markell, Jeanne Geraci, Kathie Schwartz, Melissa Schrader, Jon & Doris (Landry) Kruse, Susan Gollon, Mike and Mandy York, Victoria Burrows, Cindy Landry, Taurean Davis, Jeannie Autry, Patricia Janette, Deidre McCarthy, Kristin Blanchard, Martha Kilroy, Gayle and Harry Caswell, Ruste and Rob Wilke, Dee King, Milford Pilates Club, Karin Boughey, Deborah Struble, Judy Darby, Karen Nave
Director Level Donors
Harold and Suzanne Haskew, Kathleen Jackson, CASE Holding Group, Thomas North & Dana DeBenham, M.J. Whelan Construction, Tara Agen, The Kuhn Family, The Goan Family, Main Street Art
Star Level Donors
The Wuerth Family, Kelsey Shufflebarger, Carrie Faust, The Cleasby Family, The Cullen Family, The Getzen Family, The Satovsky Family, Spectrum Construction , Jerry Thomas, Gina's Bridal Boutique, Barb Stafford, Music Time of Milford, Todd and Anita VanAcker, Christopher Biggers, Denise Forrest, Nancy and Megan Weeks, Jennifer & Rob Roesler and Andrew Potter, The Caren-Schmeling Family, The Albulov Family, Melinda Oaks, Milford Caramel Company LLC, Custom Plus, The McGlew Family, Freedom Treasures Resale Store/Freedom Work Opportunities and Resale Stores, Fire & Clay Pottery, Muriel and Bob Herrick Century Oak Farm, Blake & MacKaela Zschering, RAM Insurance & Financial Consulting, Rochelle Woychowski, in memory of Dylan Joy Machnak "A little Joy", Village Fine Arts Association/The Suzanne Haskew Arts Center, The SHAC, David Vigna
Oscar Winner Donors - Sponsored a Row of Seats
Regina Goodwin, Laura Kowalski, Milford Spice Company, Bryan Watson and Joanne Rusch, Lyle and Denise Tyler, Jerry and Karol Breen, Huron Valley Furniture, Huron Valley State Bank, Heavner Canoe Rental, 2 Moms & A Mop
Executive Producer Level Donors
Christin Bracken and Real Estate One - Milford, Marie Kelly, Downtown Garage Milford, The Dodd Family, Deals with Dayna, Dr. Jim and Melissa Botsford, The Pikus Family, Red Maple Retreat Milford Michigan, Core 4 Complete Fitness Milford, Dana Frellick, Suzanne McFarlane Hefke & Family, Erin Welsh, Antoinette Beagle, Pam & Jeff Micallef, Cheryl Mueller, Julia & John Bejnarowicz King, Beyond Juicery + Eatery, Charlie and Diane Perry, James Donahue, Finum Plus - Lisa & Chet Holowicki
Startup Fundrasier Sponsoring Business
Highland Supply, Bryan Gutierrez Keller Williams Real Estate, Proving Grounds Coffee & Ice Cream, Autumn Rider Films, River's Edge Brewing Co., Huron Valley Chamber, Omega Homes, Pop Daddy Snacks, CJ Signs & Lighting LLC, Iverson's Lumber Company, Heinsight Eyecare, Digital Document Store, Charlie's Still on Main, Alta Equipment Rental, Great Lakes Ace Hardware (Milford), Great Lakes Ace Hardware (Highland), LaFontaine Automotive Group, Dirk Edmund Designs, Sonkatonk Leather, Lowe's Home Improvement, Kern Mechanical LLC, Village Canoe Rental/the Amstrong Family, DLGraphics, Inc., JS Waterworks, Zei Decorating Inc, Main Street Art